Haringey Independent Cinema (HIC) is a not-for-profit, volunteer-run community film club. Screenings take place in the main auditorium of Park View School (formerly the West Green Learning Centre) in West Green Road, London N15. They are usually held on the last Thursday of the month, excluding August when the school is closed. Doors open at 7pm, film starts at 7.15. Tickets are £4 or £3 if you are unwaged or on a low income. The ticket prices cover the cost of hiring the venue, publicity, and so on.
We show a mixture of feature films and documentaries that are sometimes challenging, always thought-provoking and usually rarely shown at mainstream cinemas. Where possible we invite people associated with some of the smaller films to come along and either give a talk or have a question and answer session.
Our aim is to provide a space where local people from diverse backgrounds can come together to meet, discuss and hopefully form new friendships. There is a definite shortage of cross-cultural venues in Haringey; given the right support and encouragement, Haringey Independent Cinema could go some way to redress this balance. If successful, we hope to encourage other not for profit and voluntary groups or individuals to set up similar activities.
HIC is run on an entirely voluntary basis by a group of community-minded people, mostly Haringey residents. After the screenings you’ll usually find some of us in KK McCool’s pub across the road where you are more than welcome to join us to chat about the films, socialise and have a drink. Anyone with an interest in film who can commit to attending our monthly screenings and a few meetings a year can join the organising group. Please contact us if you’d like to find out more.
Haringey Independent Cinema is supported by Haringey Trades Union Council, Woodlands Park Residents’ Association, Chestnuts Northside Residents’ Association and Haringey Solidarity Group.