Thursday 16 July 2015

Sí Se Puede
(Yes We Can) Pau Faus | Spain, 2014 | 54 mins | NR (documentary)
The economic crisis throughout Europe hasn’t gone away, far from it. The housing situation in Spain is one small example of how those in power don’t give a damn about trampling over people’s basic needs and rights. Since 2007 over 550,000 repossessions have gone through the courts in Spain with compliant judges rubber-stamping these. It’s estimated there are 184 evictions every day. Faced with all this, people in Barcelona decided to take matters into their own hands and formed PAH (Platform for People Affected by Mortgages) to fight all evictions and support those affected. Within a couple of years they have 200 groups throughout Spain and have stopped at least 1,200 evictions.
PLUS United We Will Swim…Again
Fran Higson | Scotland, 2014 | 25 mins
The extraordinary story of a community fighting to save their local swimming pool.
Since 1914 the Calder Street baths and wash house has provided invaluable services for the community of Govanhill. When Glasgow City Council decided to close the baths in 2001 they weren’t expecting much opposition, but the people of Govanhill were not prepared to let their beloved pool be taken away without a fight. They set up a picket-line and undertook the longest community occupation of a civic building in British history.
Both these films show what people can do when their backs are against the wall and the only way is to fight – just like Wards Corner and Our Tottenham in Haringey. People power at it’s best! For the last HIC before the summer break we’re providing free food and drink in the interval between films, so join us to break bread, sip sangria and plan the revolution!