Sell-off: The abolition of your NHS

Thursday 26 March 2015
Peter Bach | UK, 2014 | 57 mins | Cert 15

Sell Off: the abolition of your NHS is a radical, independent documentary that tells the story of what’s really happening to the NHS, and why. With interviews from experts and NHS insiders, it traces the history of so-called NHS ‘reforms’, from the 1980s to the disastrous Health and Social Care Act of 2012.

The film provides a clear account of a complex subject, and sets the record straight when so many politicians and media outlets either don’t know what’s actually happening, or are too afraid to admit it. Further, it details accounts of bribery and intimidation within the NHS and its agencies.

It’s a wake-up call to those who don’t believe politicians of all colours would sell the NHS to the highest bidders, with all the consequences for patient care that this will entail.

PLUS Tottenham Theatre and Walter Tull
Sam Johnson & Louis Brennan | UK 2014 | 22 mins

In 1910 Tull was the first mixed race footballer to play at Spurs. During  WW1 he became the first black officer. This insightful short film gives us a snapshot of Tull’s extraordinary life.

The film also tells the story of Tottenham Theatre’s birth. With a play about Tull by Phil Vasili, the project formed.  Tottenham Theatre then met a group of young actors from Let me Play based at Bruce Grove Youth Centre and, with their help, rehearsals got going.

Local film makers, Sam Johnson and Louis Brennan’s film start from the original concept through to the performance at the Bernie Grant Centre.  The film highlights the young actors’ commitment and talent as the project builds up to the first night.

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