Miners Shot Down

Thursday 22 May 2014
Rehad Desai | South Africa, 2014 | 86 mins | adults only

In August 2012, mineworkers in one of South Africa’s largest platinum mines began a wildcat strike for fairer wages. Six days into the dispute, the police used live ammunition to brutally crush the strike, claiming they opened fire in self-defence. The attack left 34 miners dead and many more wounded and disfigured.

miners demoTelling the story from the point of view of the miners, Miners Shot Down follows the strike from day one, unfolding in real time using compelling police footage, TV archive material and interviews with strike leaders and lawyers representing the miners. What emerges is clear evidence of collusion at the very top, glibly escalating state violence, and the country’s first post-apartheid massacre.

Miners Shot Down is a simultaneously clear-sighted, sobering, enraging and blood-chilling document of the courageous struggle of a group of poorly paid workers against the combined forces of UK-owned mining company Lonmin, the corrupt ANC government and its allies in the National Union of Mineworkers. A powerful and disturbing film that will leave audiences with an uncomfortable view of those that profit from minerals in the global South, nobody who sees it will be unaffected.

There will be an opportunity for discussion following the film.
Please note the film is not suitable for children.

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